All Kids in School….Finally!!!

All Kids in School....Finally!!!
All Kids in School….Finally!!!

When you are the Mother of Three kids, only thing that is lacking in your life is – some quiet time.

My daily schedule starts with when I wake up and go to bathroom to get freshen up, and before I could lock the door, at-least one of the three kid will be on the door, rubbing eyes and calling for mamma. From that moment to the time when they sleep at night, I am never alone, not for a second.

Yesterday, it was different. Now that my twin boys Otu and Renne, have  started their school, and joined Tisha. All three in school, at the same time.

You know what that means? That means, I would get the chance to be all alone. Lots of Me Time for me 🙂

Before they left for School, my first thought was, that I have to actually drag them to school, and they will cry and won’t leave the house. I was expecting at-least Renne to cry for his mamma, and not leave the house without creating a lot of ruckus. I was wrong. So, Wrong. 😦

None of them cried. Not a single tear. Not even a little. Instead, they were all jumping with excitement. Specially Otu, he didn’t even looked back. Guess, they were as excited leaving me, as I was longing for some alone time.

It was bad. They should have cried. I remembered, I cried it first time I went to school. Maybe, my kids don’t love me, or they are just super duper excited to see their school. I prefer to believe the second option. :O

So, they left, and I was still standing their, waving goodbye. I never thought, it would be so hard to close that door and come back to an empty home.

My home had never been this quiet, not even at night, when everyone is sleeping, and my someone special is snoring 😛

I decided to take a long bath. A luxury I could have now. It’s boring to take a bath when you don’t get the company of dinosaurs, mickey mouse, dolls and juice bottles, in your bathtub. No one to pay you a visit in every three minutes and ask you “Mamma, bath done?”

What Next?

Tried calling everyone on phone…. but, what to talk about. It’s no fun, when you are on phone and there is no yelling in between “Renne, come down. No jumping allowed”.

Nothing interesting on tv. Facebook is dull too, nothing new, same old boring posts.

Looked at the time…. only half hour has passed. Are you kidding me? What will I do for next few hours?

What if Renne is crying in the school? Or, they want to do Pee Pee and not able to say so? What if Otu is hungry or need some water? I started worrying, and it actually helped me in passing some time.

I have never waited for someone like this long. Hours were the longest and my patience…..

Those were the longest three hours, but they were worth waiting for, because when they came back and all three of them hugged me hard…. kisses on my cheeks and everyone of them telling stories of school. Tisha telling about the big green Dinosaur that she saw in school, or Otu showing the drawing he made, or Renne, shouting chicken, chicken, chicken… I want chicken. 🙂

Normalcy returned to my home…… everyone was yelling, and I was smiling, with a small tear holding itself strongly in the corner of my eyes.

16 thoughts on “All Kids in School….Finally!!!”

  1. Beautiful jyoti!this post brought back many memories…when I joined tinku in the kindergarten (they call ATL in Portuguese), we both left him at school…and I cud not stop crying..for hrs…Venu had to take me to the Lisbon centre and we roamed around whole day…first time I bought sunglasses..(to hide my tears)….back in 2003…and while coming back we picked him up….and everyday when his comes….I wud be waiting..waiting..waiting….that cute little guy wud walk in his too cute uniform…and wud tell us lots and lots of stories…
    I am crying when I am writing this…
    now see him..he is 15 yr old young eager to go out and live on his own…
    why does time fly like this?
    Trust me..u are hving the best best best time…..this wud never comeback…enjoy it to the core..and hey..remember Rangeelaa
    Bad girl..u made me cry..suba..suba….


    1. Oh Dear…. I never wanted to make you cry. But I can see it, after 15 years i would see this post and will cry 3 times more 😛

      Kids grow up so quickly… it’s just us, who don’t wants to grow up.

      Thanks again for liking my post.


  2. This is lovely… Definitely brought tears to my eyes and I could relate myself to every word u said here…


    1. Thanks dear and am so sorry to bring tears to your beautiful eyes. Kids just grow up so fast that sometimes you feel like you haven’t enjoyed their childhood much.
      I am writing so that one day when they will grow up and no longer need me, I will still be able to cherish this time. 🙂


    1. Hahaa…. Motherhood is like marriage. You will miss your single days when you are married, but still you never wish to go back to being single 🙂

      All the best and thanks for liking my post.


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